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ONLINE CLASS - Management Accounts

PO 1 - Explain management
accounting and give the 
essential requirements of
different types of 
management accounting


Part 1 - video

Part 2 - video     

Part 3 - video




Essentials for a good cost account

Essentials for inventory management systems

Job costing systems

Price optimisation systems

Price optimisation







PO 3 - Calculate costs using
appropriate techniques of
cost analysis to prepare an
income statement using 
marginal and absorption



Part 1 - 360 Video    Part 1 - Class Video

Part 2 - 360 Video    Part 2 - Class Video

Part 3 - 360 Video    Part 3 - Class Video

Part 4 - 360 Video    Part 4 - Class video​

Part 5 - 360 Video    Part 5 - Class video​



PO 4 - Explain the 
advantages and 
disadvantages of different
types of planning tools 
used for budgetary control



Part 1 - Classroom Video

Part 2 - Classroom Video

Part 3 - Classroom Video


Alternative Videos - Mr Tan


Part 1 - New video

Part 2 - New video

Part 3 - New Video 



Definition of a tool

Cons of a cash budget

Pros and cons of a master budget

PO 5 - Compare how 
organisations are
adapting management
accounting systems to 
respond to financial 



Part 1 - 360 Degree Video

Part 2 - 360 Degree Video



Stirling University Tour 1 - 360 Degree Video

Stirling University Tour 2 - 360 Degree Video




Management accounting systems

Management Accounts and Sustainability

Global Management Accounting Principles

Predicting Change in Management Accounting Systems

Management Accounting for Apple

Types of organisations adapting MAS


Merit 1 - Evaluate the 
benefits of management
accounting systems and
their application within
an organisational context

VIDEO  - Coming soon




Merit 3 - Analyse the use of
different planning tools and
their application for 
preparing & forecasting

VIDEO  - Coming soon





Distinction 1 - critically
evaluate how management 
accounting systems and 
management accounting 
reporting is integrated
within organisational 

VIDEO  - Coming soon





Merit 2 - Accurately apply
a range of management
accounting techniques and
produce appropriate 
financial reporting 

VIDEO  - Coming soon







Merit 4 - Analyse how in 
responding to financial
problems, management 
accounting can lead
organisations to 
sustainable success.

VIDEO  - Coming soon





Distinction 2 - Produce
financial reports that 
accurately apply and
interpret data for a 
range of business

VIDEO  - Coming soon





Distinction 3 - Evaluate 
how planning tools for 
accounting respond 
appropriately to solving
financial problems to
lead organisations to
sustainable success

VIDEO  - Coming soon





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