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LO1 Demonstrate
understanding of
frameworks and principles
for e-commerce

Week 1 - YouTube Links


Week 2 - YouTube Links



YOUTUBE Link 1 - Campaign Planning for Digital Marketing




Week 3 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 - Online marketplace analysis Macro Environment



YOUTUBE Link 2 - Impacts of digital media and techology on the marketing mix




Week 4 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 - Customer Relationship Management



YOUTUBE Link 2 - Change Management




Week 5 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 - Supply Chain




YOUTUBE Link 2 - Mission/Vision



Week 6 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 2 - Digital Marketing



LO2 Analyse an
organisations current
e-business strategy,
considering practices that
characterise digital
business and digital
marketing relative to its
LO3 Recommend effective
e-business and e-marketing
strategies for teh delivery of
products and/or services to
increase market share and

Week 7 - YouTube Links
YOUTUBE Link 1 - Marketing
YOUTUBE Link 2 - Digital Business


Week 8 - YouTube Links



YOUTUBE Link 1 - Social Media



PDF - Case Sudy



Week 9 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 -Strategy



PDF - Case Study




Week 10 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 - Evaluation



Session Case Study - PDF




Week 11 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 - B2B



Session Case Study - PDF



Week 12 - YouTube Links


YOUTUBE Link 1 - AnalysisDesign



YOUTUBE Link 2 - MarketPlace


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