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LO1 Understand the main
characteristics, challenges
and opportunities of international
markets and strategies available
to businesses
Lecture slides 1
Lecture slides 2
PO 3 - Evaluate the key
criteria and selection
process to use when
considering which
international market to
PO 5 - Present an overview
of the key arguments in the
global vs local debate.
Global Debate -1
Global Debate -2
Global Debate - 3
Global Debate - 4
PO7 - Explain and analyse
the various international
marketing approaches
organisations can adopt.
Approaches - YOUTUBE - VIDEO - P7
Video Link 1 - Managing in Global Economy
Video Link 2 - Steve Jobs Organisational
Video Link 3 - Samsung Power Structure
Class Slides
Merit 1 - Evaluate the
opportunities and
challenges that marketing
internationally presents to
an organisation.
Part 1 - Video
Part 2 - Video
Merit 3 - Evaluate the
context and circumstances
in which an organisation
should adopt a global or
local approach,
highlighting the
implications of doing so.
Distinction 1 - Produce a
critical evaluation of the
international market
context, including insight
into how organisations
should adapt their
marketing strategies for
various markets.
P4 Explain, using
examples, the different
market entry strategies,
including the advantages
and disadvantages of
PO 6 - Investigate how the
product, pricing, promotional
and distribution approach
differs in a variety of
international contexts.
PO8 - Compare home and
international orientation
and ways to assess
competitors outlining the
implications of each
Approaches - YOUTUBE - VIDEO - P8
Video Link 1 - Michael Porter Interview
Video Link 2 - Porters Diamond Model
Video Link 3 - Porters Generic Strategies
Class Slides
Merit 2 - Apply the market
evaluation criteria, entry
strategies and make
recommendations for a
selected organisation.
Part 1 - Video
Part 2 - Video
Assignment Brief
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